Displaying 111–120 of 418
Jan 24, 2023
PUBLIC FINANCE > Taxes > Income Tax
Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation President Doug Howgate described the dynamic in his written testimony by noting the “headwinds are unnerving and plentiful,” including the potential for a global recession, the war between Russia and Ukraine,...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Taxes > Income Tax
Jan 24, 2023
PUBLIC FINANCE > Taxes > Income Tax
Evan Horowitz, executive director of Tufts University’s Center for State Policy Analysis, and Doug Howgate, president of the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, urged lawmakers to spend a specific amount of the surtax revenue annually (Horowitz...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Taxes > Income Tax
Jan 21, 2023
Yet, even with this solid foundation, there are warning signs we must heed. According to a recent report from the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, Massachusetts lost 46,000 residents in 2021, the 4th greatest state population loss in the...
Jan 16, 2023
The state of Massachusetts invested a record $1.3 billion in child care in fiscal year 2023, but 16,000 children are still on the wait list for subsidized care, according to a new Massachusetts Taxpayer Foundation report. Inadequate access to...
Jan 11, 2023
Massachusetts isn't helping as many low-income families access childcare as it could or should, according to a new report from the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation. The report says more than 16,000 children are on a waiting list for a state...
Jan 11, 2023
The Massachusetts childcare subsidy program is complicated, inefficient and fails the families who need it most, according to a new analysis released Wednesday by the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation. The subsidy program provides vouchers for low...
Dec 24, 2022
The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, in a report released last week, said the state’s population already was aging and growing at a slower rate before the COVID-19 pandemic, but that’s been “exacerbated” by employees’ ability to work remotely,...
Dec 21, 2022
Demographics pose a problem for the health of the Massachusetts economy. The state’s population is aging. The number of people in the workforce is declining. While policy makers may not be able to do anything to increase the birth rate, there are...
Dec 20, 2022
The pandemic put a strain on our workforce here in Massachusetts. The latest report from the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation (MTF) found startling trends when it comes to the population of Massachusetts, and they were all exacerbated by COVID-19. ...
Dec 15, 2022
“The decline in the birth rate over the past few decades, the aging of our population, the shrinking of our workforce age population, and then the reduction in international immigrants into Massachusetts, all are somewhat troubling because it means...