Displaying 531–540 of 568
Aug 01, 2002
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY Pre-2008
In a new analysis, the Foundation credits the state's leaders for their efforts to address the Commonwealth's fiscal crisis through a realistic combination of spending cuts and tax increases in 2003. However, MTF warns that a remaining large...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY Pre-2008
Jun 01, 2002
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY Pre-2008
As a result of recent tax revenue shortfalls, the House and Senate versions of the state budget for fiscal 2003 are at least $650 million out of balance. With more than $1 billion of additional tax revenues already included in the legislative budgets...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY Pre-2008
May 01, 2002
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY Pre-2008
As the state struggles with a more than $2 billion budget gap in fiscal 2003, its leaders have an opportunity -- and a responsibility -- to correct spending abuses and eliminate inefficiencies that have been tolerated in the recent good times,...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY Pre-2008
Apr 01, 2002
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY Pre-2008
While the state's leaders have agreed on a plan to fill the huge revenue shortfall in 2002, even larger deficits in 2003 and beyond remain unaddressed. Almost $1.3 billion will be drawn from reserves in 2002, and another $134 million of "savings"...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY Pre-2008
Mar 01, 2002
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY Pre-2008
After plummeting more than $1.8 billion in fiscal 2002, state tax revenues will remain flat in 2003 as gains from a projected mild recovery are offset by the impact of prior tax cuts, according to a forecast presented by MTF to members of the House...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY Pre-2008
Feb 01, 2002
In a major study of the T's capital spending, the Taxpayers Foundation concludes that the multi-billion dollar cost of proposed expansion projects threatens the T's ability to achieve improved services and stronger finances, the twin goals of forward...
Feb 01, 2002
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY Pre-2008
While acknowledging that the Commonwealth faces a $2 billion fiscal shortfall in fiscal 2003, in attempting to close that gap the administration's budget proposal relies on overly optimistic revenue growth projections, excessive use of reserves, an...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY Pre-2008
Jan 01, 2002
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY Pre-2008
In its annual analysis of state spending, the Taxpayers Foundation warns of a looming fiscal crisis, with the Commonwealth facing a budget shortfall between $1.7 and $2.1 billion in fiscal 2003. According to the report, the 2002 budget will also...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY Pre-2008
Dec 01, 2001
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY Pre-2008
In this succinct analysis, the Foundation examines the impact of the Governor's vetoes and proposed supplemental funding requests on the fiscal 2002 budget approved by the Legislature. While the budget would rely less on "rainy day" reserves to...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY Pre-2008
Nov 01, 2001
On November 6, voters in eight Massachusetts communities -- including Boston, Malden and Waltham -- rejected a ballot measure that would have raised property taxes by up to three percent to fund affordable housing, historic preservation and open...