MTF Letter to State Senate The Commonwealth is going on this debt binge at the very moment that the floor may drop out of our finances. We are not risking a credit downgrade, we are virtually inviting it. Bailing out the Turnpike with no accompanying reforms, no transparency, and no comprehensive plan to address its underlying problems will be remembered for years as the other bookend to the Big Dig fiasco.
July 21, 2008
MTF Warning: Rush to $2.3 Billion Turnpike Bailout Poses Large Risk to State Finances
MTF Letter to State Senate The Commonwealth is going on this debt binge at the very moment that the floor may drop out of our finances. We are not risking a credit downgrade, we are virtually inviting it. Bailing out the Turnpike with no accompanying reforms, no transparency, and no comprehensive plan to address its underlying problems will be remembered for years as the other bookend to the Big Dig fiasco.