The Commonwealth's vast system for purchasing human services needs major reform, according to a major new report prepared by MTF in collaboration with the Massachusetts Council of Human Service Providers and with major funding from The Boston Foundation. The study concludes that the burden of the system's flaws falls on the clients - who too often do not receive the quality services they need - and the taxpayers, who are not getting a fair return on the $2 billion spent annually on services purchased from private providers. The report recommends a series of reforms designed to refocus the system on meeting the needs of clients, to create incentives for high performance, and to eliminate unnecessary and costly administrative requirements.
September 01, 2003
MTF Report: Reform the Commonwealth's $2 Billion Purchase of Human Services
The Commonwealth's vast system for purchasing human services needs major reform, according to a major new report prepared by MTF in collaboration with the Massachusetts Council of Human Service Providers and with major funding from The Boston Foundation. The study concludes that the burden of the system's flaws falls on the clients - who too often do not receive the quality services they need - and the taxpayers, who are not getting a fair return on the $2 billion spent annually on services purchased from private providers. The report recommends a series of reforms designed to refocus the system on meeting the needs of clients, to create incentives for high performance, and to eliminate unnecessary and costly administrative requirements.