The much-awaited House Ways and Means Committee version of the transportation finance package was released on February 26 for consideration by the full House on March 4. H4508, An Act Relative to Transportation Finance, proposed new revenues totaling between $522 and $650 million, including a tiered minimum corporate excise tax, fees on transportation network companies that exceeded what Governor Baker had proposed in his version of the FY21 budget, and increases in the gas tax (5 cents per gallon) and diesel tax (9 cents per gallon), among other things.
April 21, 2020
Bill H.4508, An Act Relative to Transportation Finance
The much-awaited House Ways and Means Committee version of the transportation finance package was released on February 26 for consideration by the full House on March 4. H4508, An Act Relative to Transportation Finance, proposed new revenues totaling between $522 and $650 million, including a tiered minimum corporate excise tax, fees on transportation network companies that exceeded what Governor Baker had proposed in his version of the FY21 budget, and increases in the gas tax (5 cents per gallon) and diesel tax (9 cents per gallon), among other things.